Friday, 12 April 2013

Me doing something nice. Don't get used to it...

A friend of mine (yes, some people are actually worthy of my company) has decided to do something good, in fact it's so good that I am sharing it, and even donating to the cause.  My friend Chris is going to do the local ride to conquer cancer.  Chris is a good guy and needs as much support as possible.  I am even going to donate to his cause.  Support him by either liking the page, donating to the cause, or both.
This proves that I am not a total asshole, I just hate most people/things.

This is the facebook page
Chris Milligan's Ride to conquer cancer facebook page

Here is the actual page for the ride.  This is where you can donate money.
the main page for Chris's fundraising

Make sure you actually donate to this cause, I know I will.